Public Opinions International is based in Uganda East Africa and committed to Global Peace and Prosperity through Strategic Networks and Partnerships towards realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the World. DOWNLOAD THE PROFILE OF PUBLIC OPINIONS 2021
We are seeking to accredit honest, committed and focused personalities around the world to serve voluntarily as International Advisors and Ambassadors of Public Opinions International. A person applying to be an International Advisor of Public Opinions International must be a professional in that sector he or she is applying for.
Acceptance Speech by H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni President of Uganda after being recognised by Public Opinions as The Uganda Peace and Development Champion.
Public Opinions International is a private led based organization working towards attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the world. We are committed to realization of Sustainable peace and development in the world.
Public Opinions International is involved in a number of strategic areas of interests and services such as;
- Public Awareness
- Information Dissemination
- Training and Mentorship
- Public Relations
- International Networking
- Tourism and Investment Promotions
- Peace Promotion
- Human Rights Advocacy and
- Awarding Individuals, Companies and organizations which have made tremendous contributions towards sustainable peace and development in different parts of the world and communities.
Public Opinions International is a purely voluntary agency committed to Global peace and Prosperity.Public Opinions work through its well-wishers, friends and partners. Public Opinions as succeeded due to its continue reliance on its trusted International Ambassadors and Advisors around the world who have provide information to us, recommending us to potential partners but above all inviting and supporting us to participate in conferences,seminars,workshops and short training sessions in different parts of the world.
We are seeking to Accredit International Advisors in different sectors from different parts of the world. International Advisors and Ambassadors are the contact address of Public Opinions International in their areas of operation.
We seek to accredit International Advisors as follows;
- International Anti-Poverty Advisor
- International Responsible Investment Advisor
- International Children Advisor
- International Clean Energy Advisor
- International Climate Change Advisor
- International Energy Advisor
- International Food Security Advisor
- International Foreign Policy Advisor
- International Gender Equality Advisor
- International Governance Advisor
- International Health Advisor
- International Human Rights Advisor
- International ICT Advisor
- International Immigration and Refugee Advisor
- International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Advisor
- International Investment Advisor
- International Law, Order and Justice Advisor
- International Labor Advisor
- International Nuclear Advisor
- International Oil and Petroleum Advisor
- International Peace and Security Advisor
- International PWDs Advisor
- International Quality Education Advisor
- International Science and Technology Advisor
- International Relief and Humanitarian Advisor
- International Sanitation and Clean Water Advisor
- International Sports and Games Advisor
- International Tourism Advisor
- International Trade Advisor
- International Youth Advisor
- International Good Governance Advisor
- International Microfinance Advisor
- International Insurance Advisor
- International Banking Advisor
- International Pension Advisor
- International Economic Advisor
- International Export and Import Advisor
- International Decentralization Advisor
- International Microfinance Advisor
A person confirmed to the above position must be able to write opinions in his or her field to be published on our website
Our International Ambassadors are those Personalities willing to serve as Representatives of Public Opinions in Countries, States, Municipalities, Autonomous Regions, Special Administrative Regions, Boroughs and Prefectures.
You don’t have to be a professional to be an International Ambassador of Public Opinions in your area but he or she must be a person of Integrity, established address, business or organization, or a company and willing to serve Public Opinions International towards attainment of the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmenGoals.
Both International Advisors and International Ambassadors are supposed to write well informed Opinions to be published and disseminated by Public Opinions International.
The International Advisors and Ambassadors of Public Opinions will be constituted into the High Level International Development Advisory Summit.
Contact us on
Public Opinions
4301 SW 15th ST
Topeka Kansas, 66604
Topeka Avenue,Leavenworth
United States of America(USA)
Tel: +1718-618-9814
Email: [email protected]
Call/Whatsapp: +256701992426(Uganda)