By Adam Azim|Director of Public Opinions International Washington DC USA| Member-International Influence
Disseminated Worldwide by Public Opinions International
13th November 2016
Given that a lot has been said by the media about Donald Trump before and after the elections of November 8, 2016, I am not interested in adding onto what anyone else has said about Donald Trump, nor does opinion really matter any longer. Trump’s election made evident the lack of truth prevalent in the media and political discourse of our once great nation. By virtue of this article, I am only interested in adding onto what I have written about Donald Trump in my previous writings, and I hope to provide a small but sincere service to truth seekers in providing my two cents as a bit of an antidote in curing the fog and hysteria that the mainstream media in the United States – which is influenced heavily by foreign interests –has conjured up over the past several months and years.
There are essentially two major points that need to be emphasized about Donald Trump. First of all, as I said this past August, Donald Trump’s campaign tactics were not insane. What the jejune and hypocritical mainstream media in the United States called his “lack of a plan” was the plan during his campaign. Donald Trump’s plan was to have no plan during his campaign, and that’s what his supporters liked. It was a political strategy that many people have not seen since Mao, and it appealed to a lot of people who were looking for something new and unscripted.
Donald Trump won by following his instincts and by conveying his honest thoughts and feelings to the American people about current U.S. government policies and he demonstrated his willingness to bring some sort of positive change. Donald Trump managed to have both a coherent vision for America’s future and no plan at the same time, which is more artful and creative than anything else. After all, strategy changes with context. As I mentioned a long time ago in a post titled “The Decline of the West and the Rise of the Rest”, Donald Trump was able to become in sync with the mood and the pulse of the American people, whereas Hillary Clinton was totally detached from reality as a result of her subservience to Goldman Sachs. Hillary Clinton was also heavily influenced by “special interests” – a deceptive code for foreign interests. And that is why Hillary Clinton lost the election. It’s plain and simple. For all we know, Barack Obama might have secretly been rooting for Donald Trump all along. After all, no one has suffered more at the hands of Hillary Clinton and her policies than Barack Obama. President Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, opted for the less “politically correct” route and openly rooted for Trump.
Besides, what’s the point of having “a plan” for the country during a campaign when the plan is not entirely up to Donald Trump anyway? Not only does Donald Trump have the public to deal with as the next president of the United States of America, he will also have to deal with a republican-led congress that will not allow any one person to unilaterally forge “a plan” for the United States. As flawed as the democratic system is in the United States, it’s still democratic, and thus no U.S. president can unilaterally impose his will on the system. The key to success for any U.S. president is compromise and collaboration with the American political system and the electorate, regardless of whether the president considers the system to be fair or not.
Donald Trump might still achieve what he wishes to achieve without having to unilaterally impose his will on the system. It seems as though he truly wants at the bare minimum a semblance of stability and optimism that existed in America during the days of Truman and Eisenhower, as far-fetched as that situation may be at the moment. And yes, I did mention that Donald Trump is doing this for his own personal benefit. But there is a clear line between personal benefit and selfishness that Donald Trump was never going to cross. He never needed to become a politician to get rich, unlike Hillary Clinton. Trump is the American equivalent of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a business-minded person who is now foolproof due to the struggles he personally went through in order to find the willpower to bring some sort of change for others.
Donald Trump also avoided having American wives, which is something I can understand. White American women are probably more racist than White American men because they are seeking to preserve a monopoly in the accessibility to their males. Many Americans, even the so-called “educated” ones that I have seen, are ignorant of the fact that “White”, “Jew”, and “Afghan” are essentially the same exact thing. Take a look at the Rand-McNally Atlas of 1944 or read Otto Weininger’s book titled Sex and Character and the truth becomes clear about race and culture. Just based on what my personal experiences have shown, the racism of “educated” Americans in the higher sociopolitical level of society is more intense than the misinformed racism of common American folks. Fidel Castro’s revolution in Cuba probably had more to do with the frustration he felt toward his fellow white people than with his sympathy toward people of color. And by no means does anyone intend on underestimating Fidel Castro’s sympathy and dedication towards people of color.
A man’s personal benefit can be shared with others and have positive reverberations throughout the entire system. The business class in many societies, if given some room to breath by their governments, will use intuition, intellect, thought, risk-taking strategies, as well as hard work to build their wealth and at the same time will overcome very difficult social barriers imposed by the political class of various countries. The business class, despite its flaws, by nature seeks to build bridges between countries, cultures, and nations. It was the political class in America, which included the Clintons, along with the Bush segment of the Republican Party, as well as their advisers who were quite frankly a group of racially motivated bookworms who could never produce an original idea of their own even if their lives depended on it. Through sheer deception, the Bush and Clinton people managed to corrupt the political system of not only the United States but also the political systems of many other countries.
The main motivation of the political class led by Bush’s advisers and the Clinton people based in Washington, DC over the last twenty-five years was to fill their own pockets under the pretext of a scam and a ponzi scheme called “nation-building”, another deceptive code that actually meant the continued obstruction of world peace and the perpetuation of war and destruction and the spilling of innocent American and Non-American blood. To put it in colloquial terms, no one in the American social and political elite based in Washington, DC over the last twenty-five years gave a rat’s ass about the American people.
This obscene negligence toward the American people by American academics as well as social and political elites who served foreign interests in Washington, DC was extremely frustrating to watch. I was an eyewitness to the corruption that took place in Washington, DC as a student at American University’s School of International Service and an independent researcher based out of Northern Virginia over the past six years. Both the universities in Washington, DC (including the one I attended) and the politicians perpetuated the corruption. And what disgusts me personally is that people in Washington, DC are the same people, aided and abetted by the mainstream media in the United States, who claim to be on a moral high horse and sadly give themselves the right to judge someone else’s character despite their treason and subservience to foreign interests. Even though I did not approve of some of the things Donald Trump and his campaign said about Muslims and people of color, he was not the one who put this unfair and unjust social stigma on Muslims. This unfair and unjust social stigma placed on Muslims is the result of Reagan, the Bush circle, the Clintons, academic circles in Washington, DC, and the mainstream media that served foreign interests. The self-righteous politicians, bureaucrats, academics, and media based out of Washington, DC have absolutely no grounds to claim they are superior to the Trump movement or that they are on some sort of moral high horse, especially after Trump won a national referendum against all of them a few days ago. As a Muslim-American, born and raised in the United States, I am a first-hand victim of the passive and subtle racism of social, academic, and political circles in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, and I doubt there is anyone who is more qualified to identify the cause of this racism and then argue about the cause of the unfair and unjust social stigma put on Muslims than I am.
Donald Trump might personally want stability and optimism in America because he has said time and time again that he is a moderate centrist in the sense that he wishes to strike a balance between elite interests and the interests of the working class. Even though Donald Trump is part of the economic elite in America, he is not part of the social and political elite of America because he spoke the truth about them and more importantly he spoke truth to power, and that is why he is by nature a centrist. Donald Trump is a native of Queens (as is the author of this article), and the city of New York is the Mecca of American patriotism. Donald Trump tries to achieve balance not in the sense of creating “equality” – which can never be achieved – but rather in the sense of finding achievable ways through basic market economics to distribute wealth and power to whoever crosses his path. And at least Donald Trump tries to distribute wealth. Just as a social experiment, try asking an upper middle-class “liberal” in Northern Virginia for a quarter when you happen to be short of one at a vending machine. You’ll never forget the nasty response you get from them. Believe me. I’ve tried that experiment before.
Balance and centrism will still be very hard for Donald Trump to achieve, not only because he is dealing with a republican-led congress that is beholden to corporate interests, but also because Donald Trump is himself a part of the American economic elite whose business interests are at stake due to the decline of American power. Furthermore, the U.S. presidential campaigns lit a major right-wing match in Europe. There is a now a real possibility that conflict will shift from East to West given the rise of right-wing sentiment in Europe that is falsely attributed to immigrants. The rise of right-wing sentiment in Europe and America is the direct result of failed government policies of the past twenty-five years, and no matter what anyone says, immigrants are not the ones to blame for the situation in America and Europe. Nor should there be an outcry about immigrants in the United States, given that everyone in the United States got here due to immigration. Still, marginalized groups like people of color, immigrants, as well as working class people regardless of their race are wrongly made to be the scapegoats of failed government policies. Howard Zinn skillfully described the way social, political, and economic elites in America divide and conquer the bottom 99 percent of the American population based on race and religion in a book titled A People’s History of the United States. Racism in America comes from the top of society, whereas in Europe the racism comes mostly from the bottom of society.
Nevertheless, as suggested before, the business class in America is the lesser of the two evils when faced with an elitist social, political, and academic class that is heavily under the thumb of foreign interests and thus completely corrupted as a result of the Bush and Clinton people. The worst thing that can happen to the United States of America at this point in time is the continued suppression of the American people by foreign interests and the media via their proxies in Washington, DC. There is nothing wrong with cooperating with foreign countries, but the United States cannot afford to subject itself to foreign interests the way it has over the past twenty-five years. It took the battering of the American economy and the destruction of America’s industrial and agricultural capacity over the last twenty-five years for the American people to wake up and smell the coffee.
Also, there is a silver lining to every bad thing that happens. Many Americans are now aware of the costs they incurred due to their apathy towards politics over the last twenty-five years. More Americans are now more informed about politics, even if they are not yet fully engaged with politics. Yes, the American people are rugged and provincial. But they deserve at the bare minimum the truth about what is going on in their country and in the world at large. Plus, the truth is the only thing that really matters. But it is in fact the truth that the political class, the bureaucracy, academics, and the media have deprived the American people of for over twenty-five years now. In the 2016 U.S. general election, the business class of the United States of America managed to join forces with the working class of America in order to overthrow the elitist and foreign-backed political, social, and academic class of both the republican and democratic parties in almost the same way that the business class and the working class of Iran did in 1979 as well as France in 1789. Thomas Jefferson attributed seismic change in a nation’s political system not to the corruption of the people, but to the corruption of established political institutions. “Drain the Swamp” is a motto straight out of Iran in 1979 and France in 1789 and it is not unique to the Trump movement.
The Trump movement, although notable, is a repetition of history. And now, what we must hope for is that the pending overhaul of the corruption that has gone on in the American political system over the past twenty-five years is less bloody than what went on in Revolutionary Iran in 1979 and Revolutionary France in 1789. Donald Trump’s last name, coincidentally, is an Americanization of the German name “Drumpf”. People are not blind to the similarities between Donald Trump and Hitler. It was something I personally noticed during the campaign period. But the American people were justifiably angry, and the possible consequences that come with electing a charismatic western national leader like Trump who connects with common people on a very basic and human level rests solely with the American political class, the bureaucracy, the academics, and the mainstream U.S. media that served foreign interests and thus aided and abetted the corruption of Washington, DC for the last twenty-five years.
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