The Special Forces Command (SFC) is a winner of the 2015 Uganda Sustainable Development Award and accredited Uganda’s Top50 Sustainable Development Agencies in recognition and appreciation of its enormous contribution towards social-economic development of Uganda and attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda. Awarded and Accredited by Public Opinions International
Commander: Maj Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba
Deputy Commander: Brig Muzeeyi Sabiiti
SFC while conducting its operations coordinates closely with the two main arms or services of the UPDF, that is, the Land Forces and the Air Forces.
The SFC main headquarters are found in Entebbe, Wakiso District, but also has sub-units stationed in different parts of the country. SFC units working alongside the regular UPDF are a
The Special Forces Command (SFC) is a specialized component of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) tasked with carrying out specialized missions or operations at a moment’s notice.
Thelso active in theatres of operations, such as South-Sudan and the Peace Keeping Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).
Our mission is ‘To develop and operate a powerful and versatile special operations force that is situated within the unique Ugandan way of war and is responsive to the requirements of the UPDF and the nation’.
Special Forces Creed
I am a Ugandan Special Forces Soldier, Prepared to do all that my country requires of me. As a patriot, I will always advocate, teach and promote revolutionary methods of work at whatever level of responsibility. I accept that there is no substitute for loyalty and professionalism within Special Forces. I will maintain alertness and strength in order to be able to fight for Ugandan Independence and Democracy. I will ensure that all the equipment under my charge is maintained well and is combat ready. In battle, I shall never surrender and will always strive never to let my comrades down. I shall resist any tendency that may injure the cohesion of Special Forces.
I pray Almighty God will give me the strength to remain loyal, obedient, selfless and disciplined.
Awarded and Accredited by;
Public Opinions International
P.o Box 35297 Kampala-Uganda