The Uganda National Health Research Organisation is Uganda’s umbrella organisation for health research coordination. Established in 2011 under the UNHRO Act, the Uganda National Health Research Organisation is mandated to undertake basic, epidemilogical, applied, interventional ,operational, Chemotherapeutic research and also cordinate, promote and provide guidance for health research and development in Uganda.
Mandate and Strategic Objectives
The following are the strategic objectives of UNHRO which arise from their mandate and the strategic plan 2012 – 2015: Strengthen leadership and governance systems in health research Improve health research management systems, to conduct research and create knowledge Promote partnerships and collaboration for research Strengthen health research information management and knowlegde translation Establish a sustainable financial, human and logistic system Develop and harness innovations and products to improve health care delivery
For more information visit: website
Uganda National Health Research Organisation
Plot 2, Berkeley Lane, Entebbe
P.o. Box 465, Entebbe, Uganda
Tel/Fax: 256-414-321766
Email: [email protected]
The Profile is managed and Disseminated Worldwide by:
Public Opinions International
Plot 30 Suite 5, Level 4 Green Land Tower
Opposite Bank of Uganda Kampala Road
P.o Box 35297 Kampala-Uganda
Tel: 256 701 992 426
Email:[email protected]