Heads of State Meetings-Day Five and Day Six of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit- Agenda and Event Programme-19th & 20th January 2024

Heads of State Meetings-Day Five and Day Six of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit- Agenda and Event Programme-19th & 20th January 2024

DAY FIVE     Friday, 19th January 2024   Speke Resort Munyonyo

Summit of Heads of State and Government
8:30-9:15am – Arrival of Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegations at the Holding Room. (Venue: Semiliki Hall).

9:15am – Official Summit Group/Family Photo (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Staircase)

09:30am – 12:30pm – Opening Ceremony of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)

** Address by H.E. Ilham Heydar Oghlu Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and current Chair of the NAM.

** A minute of silence in memory of leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement who passed away since Baku Summit

** Report by H.E. Ilham Heydar Oghlu Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the activities of NAM from 2019-2024

** Election by acclamation of H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda as Chair of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM

** Official transfer of the Chair of the NAM from Azerbaijan to Uganda

** Inaugural address by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda as Chair of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM

** Address by H.E. Miguel Diaz-Canel y Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba and Chairperson of the Group of 77 and China

** Address by H.E. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

** Address by H.E. the Secretary General of the United Nations

** Addresses by the representatives of the Regional Groups comprising the Movement: (Regional Groups are requested to limit statements to 5 minutes)
**** African Region
**** Asia-Pacific Region
**** Latin America and the Caribbean Region
**** European Region

12:30-1:45pm – Lunch (To be served either in the rooms of residence or Commonwealth Banqueting Hall)

2:00-6:30pm – Plenary Session of the Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation (Venue:

Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)

** Adoption of the Agenda and Programme of Work of the Summit
** Election of the Bureau
** Consideration of admission of new members and participation of Observers and Guests
** Consideration of the Report of the Ministerial Meeting
** Statements by Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations. (Delegations are requested to limit the statements to seven minutes)

7:00pm – State Banquet hosted by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, in honor of Heads of Delegation (Venue: Sun Set Restaurant)

DAY SIX     Saturday, 20th January 2024   Speke Resort Munyonyo

Summit of Heads of State and Government
8:20-8:45am – Arrival of Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegations at the Holding Room (Venue :Semiliki Hall )

9:30-1:00pm – Continuation of the Plenary Session of the Heads of State & Government and Heads of Delegation Delegation (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall).
** Statements by Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations. (Delegations are requested to limit the statements to seven minutes)

1:00-2:30pm – Lunch (To be served either in the rooms of residence or Commonwealth Banqueting Hall)

2:30-4:00pm – Continuation of the Plenary Session of the Heads of State & Government and Heads of Delegation (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Statements by Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations. (Delegations are requested to limit the statements to seven minutes)

4:15- 5:30pm – Closed Session for the adoption of the final documents of the XIX Summit by the Heads of State & Government (limited to Member States) venue: (Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Kampala Final Outcome Document
** Kampala Declaration
** Declaration on Palestine

5:20-6:15pm – Closing Ceremony of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM (Open to Observer Countries & Organizations) Venue(Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Addresses by the representatives of the Regional Groups comprising the Movement: (Regional Groups are requested to limit statements to 3 minutes)
**** African Region
**** Asia-Pacific Region
**** Latin America and the Caribbean Region
**** European Region
** Closing Statement by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and Chair of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM
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