HRH Prince Prof Dr Said Salim Al Sous
Country Envoy for Lebanon
International Investment Ambassador
Public Opinions International
Beirut,Republic of Lebanone
Lebanon Zahle Al Bekaa
Emad Haidar Ahmed Building
General Road Karak
Pharmacy Wissam,Third Floor
Email:[email protected]
Public Opinions International is an agency working to attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the world through Information Dissemination, Study Groups, Consultative Meetings, Training, Mentorship, Research, Investment Promotions, International exchange programs as well as awarding institutions and individuals making tremendous contributions towards attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Public Opinions operate a chapter centre in Washington DC under the Leadership of Adam Azim the Director and Special Representative. Our website is
Who is HRH Prince Prof Dr Said Salim Al Sous
Executive Director General Meddel East Asia and Tv World USA
Federazione Nobili Europei Uniti Ambassador Crand Uffciale
Principato DI SAN Giorgio Ambassador Grand Commander
Colenel commander and commanding oficer MEA
البرلمان الدولي لعلماء التنمية البشرية IPSHD سفير فوق العادة في البرلمان
Real Emperial Princepesa De Al Sous-Prince Don Sayed Salim Al Sous
المدير العام التفيذي في شرق الاوسط لمنظمة الصليب الازرق والهلال الازرق
منحي لقب نبيل من النبلاء برتبة امير من البيت الملكي الامبراطوري la Soza
سيناتور في البرلمان العالمي الاميركي الدولي
حاكم للسلام العالمي في لبنان السفير فوق العادة من دولة البرازيل
المفوض العام لمنظمة الفرات للسلام العالمي
Ambassador-at-Large director excutive meddel east irap tirky lebanon, à Kingdoms of Artiscia Mughal Empire
الامين العام في شرق الاوسط والرئيس العام في لبنان للمجلس العالمي للامم المتحدة ONU
Travaille chez The Royal Dynastic House of Morris.
Emperor imperial medival imperial house of glodeni Amb at larfge director excutive general middle east from organization TWLF igo my appointment from IEP is international correspondent for Europ,Asia ,middle east .
Amb at Large president CMM Lebanon midel east
Director general middle east of court of jani
Advocate general for the Pact Project
Amb and Director General for IHM organization
Public Opinions International welcome highly reputabe individuals to serve on voluntary basis as International Advisors,International Ambassadors,International Coordinators and Representatives in different parts of the World. Please if interested,send us your detailed profile in microsoft word and attach your colored photo.Include full contact address and Employment Record.
Email:[email protected]
East Africa
Public Opinions work towards attainment of the United NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals.
If you would like to invest in Uganda or to acquire properties in Uganda East Africa,Please contact us. We also provide services to those who intend to visit Uganda for tourism or Businesses.