Kyambogo University is a relatively new University created with the main aim of promoting and advancing knowledge and development of skills in Science, Technology and Education and such other fields having regards for quality, equity, progress and transformation of society.
Kyambogo University (KYU) is Uganda’s third public university established by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 and the Universities and Other Tertiary institutions’ (Establishment of Kyambogo University) instruments of 2003. It is a merger of the former Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo (UPK), the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK), and the Uganda National Institute of Special Education (UNISE).
Path of Growth
Although Kyambogo is a new university, it has a rich history that dates as far back as 1928. UPK started in 1928 as a small technical school on the Makerere Hill and was transferred to Kyambogo Hill in 1958 as Kampala Technical Institute. It was renamed Uganda Technical College and finally UPK. ITEK started as a Government Teacher Training College in 1948 in Nyakasura, Fort Portal and transferred to Ruharo and then Ntare Hill all in Mbarara, western Uganda. It transformed into a National Teachers’ College and later ITEK as per the statue of parliament in 1989. UNISE on the other hand started as a Department of Special Education at ITEK in 1988, and later became an autonomous institution by act of parliament in 1998.
In order for the university to realize its vision and mission, certain shared values shall be nurtured. There is great need for the University to be guided by the right values derived from the virtues and moral standards of the Uganda and wider society. The University shall be guided by the following core values:
- Freedom of thought and expression. We shall promote and defend freedom of thought and expression in academic inquiry and other activities.
- Innovativeness and creativity. Innovativeness and creativity shall be the hallmark of our activities as we initiate and adapt to change.
- Good corporate governance. We embrace and practice good corporate governance. In this regard, we shall ensure that all our processes and procedures are marked by efficiency, effectiveness and transparency; we are accountable for our decisions and actions; our decision-making processes are participative and consultative; and our decisions and actions reflect meritocracy and are open and transparent;
- Team spirit and teamwork. We shall foster a work environment characterized by team spirit and teamwork.
- Professionalism. In all our actions and interactions, we shall maintain ethical behaviors, professional etiquette and honesty.
- Quality customer service. We shall provide quality services to our clients.
- Responsible corporate citizenship and strong social responsibility. We shall nurture responsible corporate citizenship and strong social responsibility.
- Respect for and conservation of the environment. In all our activities, we shall strive to respect and protect the environment.
Teaching and Learning
The university offers innovative , relevant and market driven academic programmes , both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels with inbuilt quality control systems. The university also provides an environment and policy framework for undertaking high quality and relevant research.
The university has mainstreamed consultancy as a core function.
Community Service
The university participates in community programs and activities as part of its core functions.
Kyambogo University is focused on vocationalising and universialising education at all levels and it believes in the philosophy that knowledge is as important as skills. The University has embraced the fields of Science, Technology, Education, Vocational Studies, Arts and Social Sciences, and Special Needs and Rehabilitation as it core areas of Training and Research.
These are the areas that the previous institutions had developed and earned high repute for within the education system in Uganda. Indeed this emphasis is destined to make KYU the home of applied Sciences and Engineering, leader in Teacher Education and pioneer university in Special Needs and Rehabilitation in Uganda and the region. The University is creating more opportunities for Science and Engineering students at all levels. It is now possible to start with a certificate or diploma and progress to degree and postgraduate qualifications.
To keep pace with global trends, Kyambogo University has built capacity, and continues to do so in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The objective is to enable all students to have access to computer training. All university academic programmes have an in-built component of ICT to enable the students appreciate the value of technology and to generate interest for further learning and use.
KYU is at the apex of Teacher Education and setting the standards for Teacher Training in Primary and Secondary School levels in Uganda. It has the examining and awarding mandate for Grade III and V qualifications in the country. Avenues for teachers to Upgrade from Certificate to Postgraduate level are in place. Distance Education programmes for Primary Teachers have been designed and are in place.
KYU is the only university that trains teachers and other personnel in the field of Special Needs and Rehabilitation in Uganda. It has made provisions for technical staff like sign language interpreters for staff/students with hearing impairment as well as sighted guides and readers for staff/students with visual impairment. Braille and large print materials are being produced for consumers who are visually impaired and those who have low vision respectively. Various other assistive devices like white canes for persons who are blind are also produced.
The university is committed to ensuring that persons with barriers to learning and deployment are included and recognized as productive members of their communities in their own right.
Academic Registrar
Academic Registrar
Kyambogo, Uganda -
Dean Faculty of Arts & Social Sience
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda
Dean Faculty of Education
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda -
Dean Faculty of Engineering
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 287 347
Dean Faculty of Science
Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 285 584
Dean Faculty of Special Needs And Rehabilitation
Kampala, Uganda -
Dean Faculty of Vocational Studies
Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 285 659
Dean Management And Entreprenuership
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 286 743
Dean of Students
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda -
Dean School of Post Graduate Studies
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda -
Dean Students Welfare
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 690861
Department of Computer Science
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 597350
HOD Adult and Community Education
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda -
HOD Agriculture
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda -
HOD Distance Education
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda -
HOD Art & Design
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 285001/2
HOD Biological Sciences
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 690863
HOD Chemistry
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda - Phone: 0414 – 287340
HOD Civil and Building Engineering
Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda
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