Mildmay Uganda was accredited a Responsible Agency by Public Opinions International on 14th November 2016
Mildmay Uganda (MUg), formerly Mildmay International in Uganda, is a national Non-Government Organization established in Uganda in 1998 as a Centre of Excellence for provision of comprehensive HIV&AIDS prevention, care, treatment and training services.
Overtime, Mildmay Uganda has evolved and diversified its services specializing in delivery of comprehensive healthcare including Treatment Services; Health Systems Strengthening; Other Complementary Social Services; Health Training and Education; and Research.
Mildmay Uganda’s core programmes are concentrated in 16 districts of Central Uganda with support from PEPFAR through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In the new Strategic Plan (2013 -2018), the organization is gradually expanding its program reach in other areas of Uganda.
MUg is accredited as a Centre for higher learning by the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE).
What makes us Unique
Mildmay pioneered a Family- centred approach to prevention care and treatment. This involves the use of the first a family member tested as an client index client to reach the whole family/household.
The Mildmay Uganda family-centred model has been documented and submitted for publication as a WHO best practice. MUg was indeed one of the first organizations in sub Saharan Africa to provide free HIV care to children living with HIV.
Mildmay Uganda uses a multi-disciplinary approach to prevention, care and treatment. This holistic approach focuses on the physical, social, spiritual and emotional wellbeing of a client. The multi-disciplinary brings together a range of professionals including;
Medical, spiritual, nutritionists, social workers, nutritionists, occupational / physiotherapists, to address the needs of our clients.
MUg is one of the three beacon centres in Africa – a Paediatric Palliative Care Training and Clinical Excellence Centre .MUg provides specialised paediatric palliative care and intensive nutritional rehabilitation for positive children. This is the only such facility in
Uganda. In order to respond to the growing need of paediatric ART, MUg now offers paediatric palliative care training thus increasing accessibility to ART for the children.
A satellite clinic model was initiated in 2005, which utilises systems strengthening approaches in improving health services at district health facilities to initiate and strengthen comprehensive HIV service delivery capacity. The satellite clinic approach has been adapted into the MUg Health Systems Strengthening project (2010-2015) in 16 districts in central Uganda.
MUg has a transitional clinic for young people between 10 – 24 years to bridge the gap between the paediatric and adult services. The clinic has a special focus on empowering young people living with HIV&AIDS to make healthy sexual and reproductive choices.
MUg uses a work-based, student-centred and action learning approaches to training and education. The philosophy is that care and training go hand-in-hand for enhanced learning; students are given access to real patients and situations.
Our Vision
“Communities equipped to effectively respond to HIV and other priority health issues.”
Our Mission
“Modeling quality and sustainable prevention, care and treatment of HIV and other health priorities, using a family centred approach; together with training, education and research.”
Occupational Therapy Services.
MUg’s occupational therapist helps patients improve their ability to perform daily activities despite the presence of any illness, disability or illness on their bodies. Patients are trained or retrained in feeding, dressing, grooming, energy conservation techniques, stress management, income generation, memory, etc. This is done to help clients have independent, productive, and satisfying lives like other human being.
Nutrition Services
Our team of nutritionists provides preventive, curative and rehabilitative nutritional care and support to all clients attending MUg clinic. This includes nutritional screening and assessment, nutritional education and counselling, dietary planning and management (Medical Nutrition Therapy), food insecurity education and counseling, supplementary feeds and intensive nutritional rehabilitation for severely malnourished children.
Pastoral care Services
Spiritual care is a strong component in the management of HIV/AIDS. The Pastoral Care & Counselling at Mildmay Uganda encourages those infected & affected by HIV/AIDS bringing back Spiritual growth when it has been seriously jeopardized by crises. Clients can be referred to any of the pastoral staff who includes a Roman Catholic priest, Anglican chaplain, Pastor for born again Christians and an Imam for the Muslims.
Physiotherapy Services
Regardless of the fact that we provide ARVs, a certain segment of our patients require healing by physical means with the aim of promoting, maintaining and restoring body function. This is usually done through Health education and sensitization, prescribed remedial exercises, developing skills of coordination, balance, strength, mobility, and endurance, facilitation of soft tissue healing and pain relief. Physiotherapy services provided at MUg include; subjective and objective assessment, planning for the clients, physical interventions at the MUg, home settings, in the residential ward on site and in the MUg supported districts.
We also support our clients to construct mobility supports and training of carers in simple rehabilitation skills at home (improvise), support home visits and follow up to monitor the progress of the individuals and training of the VHT in rehabilitation skills as these are within the communities of our clients.
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Plot 30 Suite 5, Level 4 Green Land Tower
Opposite Bank of Uganda Kampala Road
P.o Box 35297 Kampala-Uganda
Tel: 256 701 992 426
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